February Already?

Today I find myself asking "How did January 2015 fly by so fast?"  It seems like the 1st of the year, when I was just finished with having the mumps and still trying to kick my cold, was just yesterday.  It's been a wild month full of small adventures, and I can't wait to see what this month brings.

For those wondering what happened to me in January, here are some brief updates

  • NED: The Spring Division Meeting is all set to happen on 2/24 and as far as I know service projects are going extremely well.  Our project here at Cherry has been amazing so far, with a big pile in each of the teacher's rooms every time items have been collected.  Most classes will have points somewhere in the thousands by the time the next counting is done! It's amazing how many people in the school and community will rally behind your cause.
  • Announcing: Not much new to note here, except that after I forgot to hook up the microphone last week and consequently had to yell the starting line-ups, I was told I needed yelling lessons by our assistant coach, to which I responded with quite a bit of laughter.
  • Band: I played with the Cherry Pep Band two separate times over the past few weeks, subbing in for the regular drummer (who knows where he went?), and had a blast.  I have one more appearance on Monday, and then it's back to obscurity concerning drumming. 
  • College Search: Still haven't made an official decision, but a college called AMDA out in New York seems very interested in me judging by the numerous mail-outs they've sent me as well as e-mails in the past few weeks. 
I also met with someone about a very exciting business proposition over the weekend.  I can't give you all the details right now, but I promise you'll know more in the coming weeks if everything pans out OK. 

I hope to get back to blogging regularly again within the next few weeks, as this is my first post in almost a month after going so steady from August-December.  See you soon!  


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