Brian Williams

Last week Brian Williams was suspended from NBC News for six months without pay after it was found that he alternated several of his news stories from about a decade ago in order to enhance his image with the public.  One of those stories involved him being in a helicopter that was "just missed" by a missile. The general public was quite shocked, and it showed as Williams moved down the list of most trusted people to join the likes of Bill Cosby.

Will he return to NBC in August?  My guess is no because six months is quite a good amount of time to move networks.  We may see him on a network not controlled by NBC someday such as FOX News, CNN, even ABC for all we know.  Will he come back as an anchor?  Probably not right away in order to keep a lower profile than if he were anchoring a show, but maybe after a few months.

The jokes about Brian Williams have been endless over the last few weeks, even receiving special mention as one of Saturday Night Live's original cast members during last night's 40th anniversary special, although we all know that's not true.  However, it's probably the only satirical mention SNL will give him as it'll be out of the mainstream news when the show returns this weekend or next weekend.

Oh Brian Williams, how you never fail to amaze and disappoint!

Do you think Williams should return in August?  Sound off in the comments!


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