Another Update on NED

Today was the Spring Meeting for the Northeast Division Student Council Group, where we hold our elections to see who will represent us next year.  The nice thing about the elections were that the positions from Secretary down to Parlimentarian (3), had only one candidate running, so that was fast and seamless as we heard their speeches and then motioned to elect them officially, and they will do really well when they start work in September.

The elections for Vice President were fairly interesting as well, because one of the candidates was out sick and couldn't make it.  He had a really supportive council behind him, as well as a lot of good ideas for his time in office, and he managed to win.  I am positive he will do good things with the division as well.

Last came the President candidate speeches, and I was quite nervous to see what might happen. My attempt to go out and get opinions from students in the schools on Hot Topics fell flat on it's face, and there had been a communication hiccup earlier in the year where I mistakenly forgot to add a few advisors to our e-mail group.  My push to get new schools to join the division also proved to be a bust as advisors simply asked me to stop e-mailing them or we never heard back from them unfortunately. However, one school did come back to us after not being present last year, although they weren't there today.  The other two candidates gave their speeches, and I thought, they really want to continue trying to do what I'm doing, but with him/her in the President's role.  I felt really bad hearing those speeches as they were grim reminders of how everything I attempted proved to be a fruitless effort.  This gave me very little confidence as I delivered my speech, and I think if you were there, it probably would have showed.

So, for those of you who didn't attend today's meeting and are regular readers from NED, your 2015-16 Executive Board is as follows

President: Annika Amdahl (International Falls)
VP: Michael Sullivan (Hibbing)
Secretary: Paul Cerar (Cherry)
Treasurer: Kim Fena (Cherry)
Parlimentarian: Dominick Olivanti (Mountain-Iron Buhl)

I am sure they will do a good job next year as they continue to serve you and bring their new ideas to the table.  There is only one returning executive board member who is new to their position, so it should prove to be an interesting year.

As for me, I still have the State Conference to make an appearance at, where I'll fly a division flag, try to make NED the loudest heard division at State, and lead a Hot Topics group where other students will come in to voice their opinions.  These opportunities are key to building communication networks when it comes to student council because if you go in ready to meet new people, you'll soon have a lot of friends from around the State and you'll know what they think about things like Dress Code and Open Campus Policies.

And until then, I have several exciting new adventures waiting in the wings that might be taking flight very soon here, as well as basketball playoffs, whatever's going on with Cherry's council, and of course, Walmart.  I should probably get going on my Storybook Lodge homework too because I do plan to make it there this year as it's the best time to meet new people and deepen spiritual knowledge.  There's tons of exciting things knocking at the door!

Will I be on student council next year? I am honestly unsure at this time.  I have to see how a few "other" things pan out ;)

Thank you to everyone who has supported me this year.  I promise something good is coming at State if everything pans out, and that I am fully content with today's decisions.  I asked that you vote for the candidates you thought were best, and you ever so obviously did.  I also will have the honor and privilege of bowing out alongside two Seniors who have been with NED since 9th or 10th grade!

Let's have a ball at State, and go NED!!!!!


  1. Thank you for the advertisement Mr. Finnell. I hope your comment here has been able to gain you some new followers over the last few days.


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