Northeastern Minnesota Is The New Antarctica

It almost seems like a repeat of last year as we've plunged into the new year with temps starting off well below zero and the windchill making it a lot worse.  It's never fun, especially when there's a bunch of little munchkins outside waiting for the bus risking getting hypothermia, all because the windchill and temperature combined have to be at a certain level to close or delay schools, which we always seem to avoid just narrowly.

It doesn't look to get any better this week, which makes me feel like I've suddenly moved to colder climates than what we typically get in this area of the country.  Granted, it was a lot worse last year, but it's still nuts that we're putting kids as young as age 5 out on the streets to wait for a bus when it's this cold, especially with the flu going around so quickly this year!  Yes I understand that we only have a certain number of snow days each year, but we could always tack on a few days in June or start school the last week of August next year.  Summer Vacation happens every year it'd be no sweat missing 2-5 days of it for the sake of being safe on these days.

Do I dare to mention that on these days home schooled kids have it made today?

I'm looking forward to Spring now, or at least when the temperatures warm up a little bit in a few days/weeks/months (I hope).

Well with that all being said I find myself a little curious as to how things are going weather-wise in your neck of the woods....?  Sound off in the comments!


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