An Update on NED

Wow!  It's hard to believe that I'm already halfway done with my first (and possibly only) year of leading NED!  It's been such a fun time so far keeping up with schools on Twitter so that we can see what they're doing.  The website hasn't been updated in about a month now but that will change within the next few weeks.

After a lot of thinking and a lot of idea-tossing I finally figured out how we're going to pull off getting Hot Topic opinions from the other schools in the division.

  1. Do one of the following.  Give students a generic opinion sheet and fill in the topic on the top. Or talk to the students about the topic and ask questions like how it makes them feel, any changes they would make, etc.....
  2. Bring all collected sheets, record student's opinions and bring them to the Division Meeting
  3. Share opinions with your discussion group
  4. When group leaders report we get a mix, and we record the ideas to bring them down to State.
Before coming up with that system I had some other ideas of how to go about that there were too complicated or confusing.  This really is the best way to do it.

I also found out that I have a challenger for the President position next year.  This makes me very happy as it would be no fun if I didn't have anybody to go up against.  I was actually asked if I was really sure that I wanted to run for this position by my advisor last year as the President was running for her second term and I originally signed for VP before changing my mind.  And the rest is history.

So, lots of exciting things happening with NED over the next 2 months.  I'll keep you posted now and again as we get closer to the Spring Meeting. 


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