Valentines Day

Today happens to be a very special holiday. It's a romantic one for anybody who's in love, married, or just admires a certain someone.  It can start relationships, keept them going strong, or bring them to an end.  Sadly, it can also lead to divorce, which can be rough on some people's lives, or it can feel as if they are breaking free from a strong tether.  It's a very mixed emotion holiday.

So, what's my opinion on Valentine's Day?  Honestly, I have mixed reviews.  Sometimes, my plan to do something for a certain someone works, other times it bombs horrendously, and teaches me a lesson.  My mother always gives me and my siblings something on Valentine's Day, and this year it was a box of chocolates, and some type of Resee's that I will be investigating further once I get home.  My mother is always so kind to be giving us these treats, and it's one of the reasons I love Valentine's Day so much.

As for the story, I maybe wrote a page this week due to prior commitments including a iMovie for History that was recieved quite well, as well as planning for my school's Snow Week, which is next week already!  Man! This year sure is speeding by quick!

Next update will be on Saturday, February 22nd, because February 21st looks to be a busy day!


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