Coming Together In Sochi and Changes at NBC

The 2014 Winter Olympics began yesterday in Sochi, Russia. So far, things aren't good in terms of hospitality, with many hotels undergoing renovations, and even an ABC News reporter finding a bug in his jelly. Some of the facilities aren't ready either in the Olympic Park, although construction workers promise it will be done before the opening ceremony.

There is also the threat of terrorism. Russian President Vladmir Putin wants to build an "iron ring" around Sochi to protect citizens and tourists, a move which may work, but also may not work at the same time.

The nice thing about the Olympics though, is how they bring people from many countries on all continents together as one to compete as friends for the gold. They're really fun to watch as well. I hope they go by without a hitch.

Also, Jay Leno ended his run on the Tonight Show last night after hosting since 1992. I've only watched the show a few times, but it looked like it was great back in its heyday.  His final guest was his first guest, actor Billy Crystal, who voiced Mike Wazowski in Monsters Inc. and Monsters University alongside John Goodman's Sulley. It was reportedly a great era for the Tonight Show.

Leon's replacement is none other than the man who took over for Conan O Brien in 2009 on Late Night, the very capable Jimmy Fallon. Fallon's been on late night for five years performing sketch comedy and doing things like slow jamming the news and sketches that make people roar in laughter.  I think Fallon will do a great job, and so will Seth Meyers, who's taking over Late Night at the end of the month. It's going to be a great era for late night talk shows on NBC.

As for the story, I am still on Chapter 24, having had a very busy week. The chapter is taking shape quite nicely though, and should finish strong. Then, the journey continues on!

Next update will be on Friday, February 14th.


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