Falling In Love With Fall

On Saturday we'll celebrate the first official day of Fall, but that doesn't mean some of the leaves have already changed color.  They're so beautiful, each displaying what seems to be a different shade of red, yellow. or green.  The grass gets a little browner and slowly starts to die out for the winter season, and you can see pumpkins and haybales almost everywhere you turn your head.  The air gets a little crisper as we finally lose the dead heat of July and August, and you start becoming a little more public with your warm beverage consumption.

It all sounds so beautiful to me, and I hope that's the picture I'm painting for you, as Fall is one of my favorite seasons.  It's when you can drive down the road and truly enjoy the changing of the seasons, and even maybe spot (or hunt) some deer.  It's a pretty cool time in more ways than one.

I'm not quite sure where my love for the Fall season started, but it was probably when I was a little kid and starting school out for a new year and getting ready to enjoy the freshness of the air and the Halloween season.  It's sort of like when the first snow flies in November or December, you just feel like it's such a magical time outside and you feel like a young toddler again.  You want to see feel and touch everything all over again regardless of how many times you've already done it in your short existence here on Earth.

One thing I don't like about the Fall season though, is pumpkin spice.  I'm in the camp of people that think pumpkin spice ruins everything and it should be abolished forever.  I mean, I get that people enjoy spicing things up the pumpkin way, but why do they have to be so public about it?  There's multiple pictures on social media about pumpkin spice and it's kind of annoying.  Or maybe that's just me.

Someday when I'm married with children, I hope to introduce them to the joys of Fall.  Football games and jumping through freshly raked piles of leaves, or maybe taking a trip to the local pumpkin patch or haunted house.  There are so many things to enjoy during this season that I would hate for them to miss out on it.

And I hope that's what you'll do.  Grab a sweatshirt and a football, and get on out and enjoy the marvels of what will forever be my favorite season.

What are your favorite parts about Fall?  What do you like to do during the Fall season?  Sound off in the comments! 


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