Spilling The Beans

So, there comes a time in life where we feel like we need to share things that we've been keeping to ourselves for the longest time.  Perhaps it's something we've told just one friend about, but other than that it's unknown to the general world.

My friend Lindsey and I first decided to do a collaborative blog post early last month.  We tossed around multiple ideas for prompts to follow, some hers and some mine.  Eventually, she decided to challenge me to confess some unpopular opinions, and I challenged her back.  You can check out her blog post about unpopular opinions right here

These opinions are solely my own, and do not represent KAXE/KBXE, KRFF, Walmart, or Holiday in any way shape or form.  They are also not meant to offend, rather it's just me sharing some things I hold true.  We may not agree, but please no attacking each other in the comments section if you choose to comment.

For starters, I have a strong dislike of doing something the same way over and over again, or doing something the exact same way as other people.  Instead, I very much enjoy breathing my own energy into something and making it my own.  Does it always work out for the best?  Probably not.  But was it worth giving it a shot.  Absolutely.  If we don't try and do things differently, what excitement will we find in our daily routines?  I don't think we'll find much.  If we want to keep things going, we have to be able and willing to try them in new ways, shapes, and forms.

Next to politics.  I do not like to bash people on social media for not agreeing with my views.  And even though it doesn't involve me in the least, it breaks my heart to see some great friends of mine tearing each other apart over being on the different sides of the political spectrum.  I personally don't really have a side of the aisle to stand on right now because I don't watch or listen to the news too often currently, so I don't like to jump in on one side or the other, rather I'd like to be informed so that the old me who didn't fact check before posting shines through.  Some things that conservatives root for are favorable to me, and some things that liberals root for are favorable to me.  I don't find either side to be 100% perfect.  I'll never be far-right, and I'll also never be hardcore left.  I just see some imperfections with both parties, and I won't be commenting further at this time.

Bullying:  Why do some think it's still ok to bully and intimidate, even threaten? Back in my day we had these programs that would help kids see why being respectful of one another was the best practice, but these programs had to be cut over time due to budget restraints.  And it shows.  I keep seeing widely shared posts on Facebook about how a kid from an area school either here or back home is being bullied by his or her classmate(s), and it's very sad to see.  I'm even reading on the internet about how kids in the 9-12 age group are committing suicide because of the fact that they're being bullied.  How did we get to this point?  When will we as people step up and realize that bullying is not ok?  To those of us who teach that bullying is not ok, and those who also step in after they realize someone is bullying someone else, you guys are doing a great job at helping put a stop to it.

Mental health problems not being widely talked about in the world today is something I dislike.  We have resources available to us, yet some of us are too afraid to speak out or speak up and help the person going through a crisis right in front of us.  Even I've been guilty of that in the past.  I can't do that anymore.  I need to take action and help my friends in times of need before it's too late.  Suicide is a heartbreaking thing to endure, and we need to work towards mental health awareness and end the stigma before we continue losing loved ones.  Again, if you are struggling and need to talk, I am available to chat.

I will never support NDSU ever again.  Not financially, and not by telling people to go there.  I'm sorry, but there is not an ounce of green and gold spirit or Bison Pride left in my body.  I don't care how well their football team does and that they're rapidly expanding.  They're a great school for students looking to go into something the university specializes in, but I had a very bad experience there, and I hope to never have to go back for any reason ever.

Lastly, while very tiring, I feel that staying up all night at least once or twice a month is a good thing to do.  Just don't be like me and do it all the time.  Like I said in the blog post I wrote about it, there's just something magical about being up at a time when most of the world is asleep, and it's worth experiencing.

Overall, I feel that Lindsey easily wins this challenge.  Her writing style out paces mine in this format, but I was happy to try this challenge regardless.  You can let us know who won in the comments of either blog post, or just drop a supportive comment or some type of criticism (please be respectful).  Thanks for taking a look at this as always.


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