Finding Simplicity In The Busy Months

Ah college.  It's the best place to see things like underage drinking, smoking, and adult-aged people having teenager problems all in the course of one day.  Don't deny that it happens, because it most certainly does.  I was asked if I was drunk by someone who was quite obviously intoxicated on move-in weekend, and I gave him the honest answer, certainly not.

There are tons of things you could pray about for college students.  You could pray for safety and security, or for a desire to continue learning about His goodness despite the fact that we are no longer in an environment that is spiritually nurturing (Those of you reading this from somewhere like Emmaus Bible College, consider yourself lucky).  You could also pray for the best outcome possible with grades and financial situations.  When you're in college, or have a friend that's in college, you're never really short of anything to pray about.

Along with that, it's also a good idea to get involved with a local church, and attend it as often as you can.  I'm not going to say every week because I'm not at that point yet with my church attendance, but I can say that weekly attendance is strongly recommended for the sole fact that giving thanks and worshiping with fellow believers is a wondrous experience. But definitely go as often as you can. There's a sense of rejuvenation that church can give you as well, and while I can't quite explain it, I can say that you only get it at places like churches and church camps.

All of this slowly walks us around to what I'm trying to convey in this post, but first there's a little more story to it.....

I moved to Fargo officially on August 20th of this year.  Up until three days before I left from home in Eveleth I worked all but two weeks and a few off days of the Summer trying to save money for college.  My grad cards were generously filled as well.  I was ready to take my truck and venture out to college...

But then around Independence Day, my truck officially crapped the bed.  I hadn't been as proactive with checking oil as I should have been, and as a result a cylinder needed replacing.  I was really bummed, but then we found a nice little Toyota Avalon a few days later and I was back out on the road again, but with all of the money I was saving down the drain

This whole episode caused me to get out to Fargo with almost nothing readily available in the checkbook and a roommate who wanted a fridge and several other things right off the bat.  I went back to work on the 23rd, just three days into my stay in Fargo, and right away began applying and interviewing for other positions, several of which fell through.  Then September 7th came around when the financial aid was due, and I about puked when I saw how much I now owe by November....

Why does college cost so darn much?  We're here to get an education, not sell our life savings away to an institution.  At NDSU, I am at one of the cheaper colleges that's not a community college or technical school, and I am still getting charged so much more than I could afford in the first place. It's a wonder how some people can afford to get through college in the first place as the bills and prices are so ridicouously high.  Here's a sample of some charges that we get as students here.  No I'm not complaining, but these can't be ignored....

  • A meal plan that costs over $2,100 with food that can't be packed up to go for students who work late at night or over the dinner hours and that isn't even open until 9:00 on Sundays, meaning people who go to church usually have to miss breakfast at the college.
  • Technology Fee that's in the low hundreds for a dollar amount.  Technology that we don't rent or own throughout the year...
  • Student Fees that do things like bring speakers and bands to the college.
Basically through the roof.  The first few weeks I was here I was working like a crazy man, up to 40 hours a week at Walmart doing whatever I could to round up the money I would need to pay off my dues by November when Spring Semester Registration kicks in for the Freshmen.  It's something that had me pulling out hairs, getting anxiety attacks, and going to sleep at night nervous for the next time something would come due...

I turned down several irons I had in the fire because of this mess as well, and miss a lot of stuff on campus because without working, I might have had to go home already.

I was forgetting to do something very important during these few weeks, and that was take time for myself.  While we sometimes don't realize it right away, taking some time out of our busy schedules for ourselves can help to reduce our stress levels and lead a more peaceful lifestyle...  a more simplistic one per say than the always busy life of a full-time college student that also works full-time.

There should also be time found to grow closer to GOD, coming in "simplicity" and longing for purity as the Rend Collective song puts it.  They say a little bit of time each day spent in God's Word can help ease stress as well, and oh how I have found that to be true.  While I haven't been able to make the time to read every day, I have been reading some days, and again there's quite a bit of a calming effect when doing so.

So to find your own simplicity...

  • Cut back on what you're doing that's causing the stress
  • Three deep breaths always help
  • Do something that makes you happy: Chat up an old friend online, watch your favorite show on TV/Netlfix/You Tube/Hulu, read the Bible, whatever makes you happy and reduces that stress level further.
  • Simply lie down and think about stuff
  • Take a jacuzzi bath somewhere
There are many more things that can help de-stress us as humans, the ones above are just a starter list. All of them can contribute together to help us lead less stressful and more productive lives, because we all know that taking on too much and not stopping every so often to appreciate the simple things in life can make us go crazy...

So, that's what I leave you with today.  Find your simplicity in these busy months.


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