Don't Worry Be Happy (2 Timothy 2:3)

Here's some Friday motivation for you!

Today, I'm inviting you to stop stressing out about your next big exam, or worrying about where your financial situation will go next, as well as all of life's other situations.  It's Fridays, and Fridays are the best day of the week, and they are for one thing, and that's being happy. 

Snoopy is always happy lol. I don't think I've ever seen this character sad unless of course it's that hospital strip Peanuts ran in the 1990's when he was sick.  Peanuts is such an enjoyable cartoon for everyone. 

So if you're worrying about something, I invite you to just take a few moments to go enjoy the fresh breeze and sunshine, or dance in the rain like nobody's watching, and just take a step back and look at your life and everything you have, because sometimes it's quite a bit more than others.  Just relax, and know that in the end, everything will be OK. 

God sometimes puts us through trials to test our faith, and you may be enduring them right now. Keep on striving to do your best and again, just know that soon, everything will be OK.  Just keep a strong faith :)

To go with the paragraph you just read, take a look at this verse....

"For you must endure hardship as a good solider of the LORD Jesus Christ"- 2 Timothy 2:3 

Stand strong in times of trouble and continue your beliefs and your faith.  Don't let the small things change your faith entirely.  Keep on keeping on. 

Lastly, I recommend the song "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)" by Hillsong United.  I feel that this song ties in with the verse above nicely.  It runs about six or seven minutes long, but there are some beautiful instrumental breaks in there that make it worth the listen. 

The album cover for Oceans

I hope this post might put a smile on your face and just give you a generally warm and fuzzy feeling. From me to you, enjoy the weekend.  It's supposed to be great weather :) 


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