Confession Time

This blog post was inspired by something I recently read on a friends' blog, so credit for the idea goes to her. I'd also recommend checking her blog out as it's quite interesting. Here's the link!

So anyways, we all have some things we want to get off our chest right? But sometimes we're not exactly ready to share with the world some of our deepest secrets.  I am not going to tell you my life story or share anything I would regret sharing.  I hope you do the same and only share what you think the world is ready to know about you.

  1. I sometimes find it very hard to keep interest in things.  This includes my attention span and all things related. When I'm writing a story, if I feel I've hit a brick wall, the usual response is to stop wherever I am and never pick up the pen for that particular piece again.  
  2. I am not the biggest fan of chocolate.  I'll take cookies and ice cream over that stuff anyday.
  3. I don't even know what the way to my heart is.  I'm still trying to figure that out. 
  4. I am addicted to technology.  Most days you will find me in front of a computer or cellphone.  A lot of it is business related, but a lot of it isn't.  A benefit from this is I can solve a lot of technology-related problems.
  5. Despite all the things I'm currently involved with, I don't think I'll ever be able to leave my football and boys basketball managing positions entirely before I graduate high school.  There's just too many memories from the six years I've done it.
  6. I can sometimes be seen as mean and/or negative. Usually 50-75% of this isn't intentional. 
  7. I hate it when people ask what's the matter when I'm perfectly happy.
  8. I have little knowledge of mechanics or tool work. I have to find a friend or adult to help me with that stuff.  Heck!  Girls probably know more than I do.
  9. My natural habitat is with a pen and notebook, or in front of a microphone.
  10. Storybook Lodge has become my second home over the six years I've been there.  Everyone there is always so nice and there's always a peaceful feeling when I drive in there.  I also met the friend I mentioned above there. 
  11. When I think about my future, I'm excited.  I don't know whether the plan is to stay where I am now or move to another area and start over with most things, but I'm sure I'll have guidance in making these decisions. On the subject of marriage, I'm sure I'll meet "The One" someday.  I think having 2-3 kids is going to be ideal.
  12. The few girls that have liked me in a romantic sense have creeped me out to the max.  I don't know if they're doing it the way most girls do, but what they would do really scared me. 
  13. I always back up to my garage or park in the front spots of the parking lot so when I drive away I face a new day/the next part of the day forwards.
  14. Once I go somewhere, I will know how to get there.  That's how I know my way around the entire Southeast section of the Twin Cities. 
  15. I am a very hard sleeper.  I sleep through almost anything.
  16. I used to be horrible with talking to girls.
  17. I'm easily gullible. 
I should also admit that my sense of humor is very hard to understand.  I'll laugh at things nobody else finds funny.  Most people think I'm weird because of that, but I love being able to look at things with a different light than some others. 

Again, go follow the blog I linked up above, and maybe follow me too if you've got a Google Account.  Anyways, I plan to post a few more times this week to make up for the missed weeks.  Bye for now! 


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