A Blanket of White

There's just something magical about waking up on some random morning in October or November and looking out your window to see that snow flew for the first time overnight, and your town or yard is now covered in a blanket of the fluffy white stuff.  If you're like me, you feel like a little kid again, and remember the times when you drug your little sister through the yard on a sled, tripping and falling down the whole way, or you remember that time you wiped out on the sliding hill in the nearby town and ended up with a bloody chin.  Or maybe even you remember the time you and your family built snowmen out in the front yard and you would roll up a ball that was way too big for whatever else you were working on, so you'd stop at the first ball.

Winter is by no means my favorite season, especially now in the Fargo-Moorhead Area.  Basically, November and December are the fun parts of it, when Christmas lights start to go up around the town and your family goes on a little drive to look at them, and everyone's in a jolly mood.... except for retail workers that is.  In January, you still have the snow to look at, but everything else plummets into the doldrums, especially if you live somewhere like I do now where all but three or four days of the Winter season are freezing and you almost don't want to leave your house.  I may be complaining just a little bit about the cold temperatures, but I made the decision to come here for college.

Anyways, there's just something so magical about seeing it snow.  Perhaps it makes you want to dance, or you may say screw dancing and just go cross-country skiing or sledding down a large hill, which if you're in the Fargo-Moorhead area, you have to improvise for that one.  There are countless other things you can do too, some of which I would be doing if it wasn't for the wind chills this part of the country experiences.

I would never want to run away in the Winter.  So many people I know retreat down to the southern portion of the US for the colder months, and I just wonder why.  Why would you want to miss out on this beautiful season of lights and snow and magic?  Sure it's cold, but why go for more Summer when you can experience the joys of Winter?  Take a hike down the road or something and see the things you can only see for a few months of the year when cold temperatures persist?

So this Winter, let's be sure to take some time and appreciate the "fluffy white crap".  Sure we might have to shovel or blow endless amounts of it, and it might make our commutes hard, but with a little extra care and concern, all of us can truly enjoy the Winter season, when the world is covered in a blanket of white. 


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