Some Fast Thoughts On Season 1 Of The Good Place

NBC comedy The Good Place , starring Kristen Bell and Ted Danson in the two lead roles, danced across our TV screens for thirteen episodes over the Fall through January 19th (last week). The show focuses on Eleanor Shellstrop (Bell), going to a place that's "not quite Heaven" named The Good Place, led by immortal architect Michael (Danson). Almost immediately from the get go, Eleanor realizes that she doesn't belong here and that she must have been dropped in there by mistake, as her still crabby attitude from life on Earth leaves quite the sour taste in the neighborhood, causing a trash storm, giant shrimp to fly across the sky, and even a giant sinkhole to open up in the restaurant. Holding a strong desire to be able to remain in The Good Place and not be taken to The Bad Place, the show's version of Hell, Eleanor enlists the help of her soulmate Chidi (William Jackson Harper) to teach her about ethics, or as how she defines it "how to be good....