Ideas You Can Get From Travel

This week I took an unexpected vacation to Michigan with my family.  We basically stayed in the Upper Peninsula sans a day or two we spent in Mackinaw City.  It was a fun time!  I never expected towns such as Munising and Sault Ste. Marie to be so big!  I was wowed!

I also got the ball rolling on a possible storyline for the sequel set in Michigan, because trust me, who wouldn't want to see a story set there?  It's going to involve death, romance, humor, and violence thrown in with the usual dose of comedy.  If all pans out and I finish this original story, this sequel should be a joy to write. Those little Michigan towns are all going to get equal time in that sequel!

Of course I didn't get any work done on the story this week, and I hope I can get some work done on it this Summer, hopefully finishing it before September.

Next update is June 13th.


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