
Showing posts from February, 2014

Basketball Season Is Over

My school's boys basketball season came to an abrupt end last night. Why was it abrupt you ask? Because the score was 54-53 with us in the lead when the buzzer went off, except then a player from the other team hit a 2-point buzzer beater, making the score 55-54, and therefore they won.  It was hard to sit there with the other teams fans (because that's where I was filming from), and watch them stand up and scream because they're going on to play tomorrow, while we pack up our stuff, say goodbye to five Seniors, and prepare for Baseball. Although we lost the game, there was nobody who didn't have a compliment after the game for us, managers included. There were hugs, handshakes, and pats on the back to go around.  There was even a very dedicated fan wearing a tiger suit to the game. The coach had nothing negative to say either, so although we lost, it was a very pleasant time exiting the school. So now, all that's left to do is burn the remainder of the game fil...

The Congressman Who Sued Obama

On Wednesday of last week, congressman Rand Paul of Kentucky sued President Barack Obama over the NSA's cellphone data collection program, claiming that he doesn't agree with the program's tactics and thinks that this information should remain private to the cellphone's owners.  This is just another chapter in a story that started in June of last year with Edward Snowden's big reveal, which was followed by the revelation that the U.S. was spying on world leaders such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Surprisingly, Obama isn't the only US President to have been slapped with a lawsuit.  His predecessor George W. Bush was also hit with one, as was his predecsoor Bill Clinton.  Three Presidents in a row hit with lawsuits.  That is astonishing! I think that this lawsuit is a waste of time, and it will only be used against Obama in the future, especially when it's time to review the work Congress got done in 2014!  Why does the Supreme Court have to accep...

Valentines Day

Today happens to be a very special holiday. It's a romantic one for anybody who's in love, married, or just admires a certain someone.  It can start relationships, keept them going strong, or bring them to an end.  Sadly, it can also lead to divorce, which can be rough on some people's lives, or it can feel as if they are breaking free from a strong tether.  It's a very mixed emotion holiday. So, what's my opinion on Valentine's Day?  Honestly, I have mixed reviews.  Sometimes, my plan to do something for a certain someone works, other times it bombs horrendously, and teaches me a lesson.  My mother always gives me and my siblings something on Valentine's Day, and this year it was a box of chocolates, and some type of Resee's that I will be investigating further once I get home.  My mother is always so kind to be giving us these treats, and it's one of the reasons I love Valentine's Day so much. As for the story, I maybe wrote a page this wee...

Coming Together In Sochi and Changes at NBC

The 2014 Winter Olympics began yesterday in Sochi, Russia. So far, things aren't good in terms of hospitality, with many hotels undergoing renovations, and even an ABC News reporter finding a bug in his jelly. Some of the facilities aren't ready either in the Olympic Park, although construction workers promise it will be done before the opening ceremony. There is also the threat of terrorism. Russian President Vladmir Putin wants to build an "iron ring" around Sochi to protect citizens and tourists, a move which may work, but also may not work at the same time. The nice thing about the Olympics though, is how they bring people from many countries on all continents together as one to compete as friends for the gold. They're really fun to watch as well. I hope they go by without a hitch. Also, Jay Leno ended his run on the Tonight Show last night after hosting since 1992. I've only watched the show a few times, but it looked like it was great back in its h...