"So Good To See You"

Every so often I'll go somewhere out here that I haven't been in a long time, or in my travels I'll run into a person that I haven't seen in a considerable amount of time except in passing. There's usually not a specific reason as to why I haven't gone to these places or ran into these people, rather one or both of us have simply been busy beyond measure and haven't had time to contact each other or take time out to spend time with each other. The human interaction component is missing so to speak, and so it goes for a while that we don't see each other or I don't frequent that location. The words that most often get uttered during these meetups with folks I haven't seen in some time is the phrase "So good to see you." I always feel good when I hear that phrase because it makes me feel like I'm not just a distant after thought in the lives of those I know. It lets me know that I have purpose and that I am cared about and/...