Hey Now, Don't Drink The Rockstar

It was at some point during my DJ years that I began to enjoy the occasional can of Monster or Rockstar energy drinks. I mean, how else was I supposed to get energy fast on the go? Coffee takes time to brew, and cold coffee wasn't my thing at the time and it probably never will be. So, I turned to energy drinks. I soon quit them for a while after I stopped DJing, but then picked them back up again Senior Year with the Lemonade-flavored Rockstars because those tasted delicious and a friend got me hooked, and so I also naturally got into the Monster "x+tea" flavors. Starting overnights saw me turning to the Xyience brand of fruity deliciousness, but those gave me what felt like heart flutters, so I quit them for a while and moved back to Rockstar, where most recently I've been drinking their "Whipped Strawberry" flavor, anywhere from one to three cans most days. It seems that to say I'm addicted would be an understatement. Now, the health ma...