
Showing posts from September, 2018

Hey Now, Don't Drink The Rockstar

It was at some point during my DJ years that I began to enjoy the occasional can of Monster or Rockstar energy drinks.  I mean, how else was I supposed to get energy fast on the go?  Coffee takes time to brew, and cold coffee wasn't my thing at the time and it probably never will be.  So, I turned to energy drinks.  I soon quit them for a while after I stopped DJing, but then picked them back up again Senior Year with the Lemonade-flavored Rockstars because those tasted delicious and a friend got me hooked, and so I also naturally got into the Monster "x+tea" flavors.  Starting overnights saw me turning to the Xyience brand of fruity deliciousness, but those gave me what felt like heart flutters, so I quit them for a while and moved back to Rockstar, where most recently I've been drinking their "Whipped Strawberry" flavor, anywhere from one to three cans most days.  It seems that to say I'm addicted would be an understatement. Now, the health ma...

Top 10 Album Challenge

Back in July while I was in Washington, I took the "Top 10 Album Challenge".  Since I didn't elaborate fully on why each album was one of my favorites, I'd like to do that in this week's blog post.  I have included artwork for each album to make it easier to find on your streaming services or You Tube, and also my favorite song from each album. These are not ranked in order from 1 to 10, but I'm sure you'll be able to tell which ones are my favorites out of the ten listed here. Artist: Zac Brown Band Album Title: Jekyll & Hyde Album Release Date: April 28th, 2015 Discovered By Me: May 2016 Favorite Track: Loving You Easy On "Jekyll & Hyde", the Zac Brown Band truly took genre mashing to the next level, with tracks that both scratch the surface and cut deep across the genres of country, americana, jazz, and even a little bit of hard rock and roll.  They pulled out all the stops, and while a good chunk of their fans dis...

Falling In Love With Fall

On Saturday we'll celebrate the first official day of Fall, but that doesn't mean some of the leaves have already changed color.  They're so beautiful, each displaying what seems to be a different shade of red, yellow. or green.  The grass gets a little browner and slowly starts to die out for the winter season, and you can see pumpkins and haybales almost everywhere you turn your head.  The air gets a little crisper as we finally lose the dead heat of July and August, and you start becoming a little more public with your warm beverage consumption. It all sounds so beautiful to me, and I hope that's the picture I'm painting for you, as Fall is one of my favorite seasons.  It's when you can drive down the road and truly enjoy the changing of the seasons, and even maybe spot (or hunt) some deer.  It's a pretty cool time in more ways than one. I'm not quite sure where my love for the Fall season started, but it was probably when I was a littl...

I'll Always Spit Out The Silver Spoon

College is something that doesn't come easy.  You learn that the Summer between Graduation and the start of Freshman Year if you haven't already.  There's forms to fill out, housing and dining to apply for, classes to register for, and at the end of the day, you still owe your college money if you're an out of state student. This blog post isn't about college though.  Well, maybe in a sense it is, but it's not the main focus.  Instead, I'd like to draw a line between two parts of the college population, and they're rather distinct. It's the difference between your run of the mill still-immature young adult who ends up in the hospital for alcohol poisoning the first night away from home, and the long since mature young adult who is punching the clock multiple times a week in order to make ends meet for their basic living expenses.  Or you could say the difference between the college student taking a selfie every week at the football game and t...

Get Up & Show Up

Today, I'd like to talk about a life value I choose to continue despite battling anxiety and depression.  I feel this is a very good value to have, and one to continue for as long as I am alive.  It's something I've held true to myself since I started managing basketball teams at the young age of 11, and have since carried over into both my workplaces and throughout most of my high school and college careers. When we have emotional struggles, sometimes the first instinct can be that we should spend the day in bed and never leave.  I don't know anyone like that personally, but there are people out there who haven't left their homes in months, even years sometimes, because they feel too scared and/or sad to interact with the world around them. Agoraphobia is a very real thing, and it can also involve the fear of not being able to escape from situations that we may perceive as dangerous or threatening.  I really feel for people that have this fear, because they...