The Year Without StoryBook

This year, I was lucky enough to go visit my Grandparents in Washington State. It was the first time I'd seen my Grandmother since 2008, and the first time seeing my Grandfather since around 2002 or 2003. It seems weird that I'm saying that, as generally you see your grandparents more often than once every ten to fifteen years, but distance and time has prevented things for the most part. The train ride there and back wasn't quite the best (33 hours on the way there and about 35 on the way back), but pretty much every thing in between was absolutely amazing, right on down to the basic things such as the food and views. There are plenty of pictures on Facebook to check out, and I couldn't quite share all my favorites. However, while I was out on this neat little road trip, there was a place I had hoped to be that I wasn't able to make. It's a place I've been going for the last ten years, and even though I'm doing my best to get there the week af...