
Showing posts from June, 2018

Tacos At The Stroke Of Midnight

It's just about Midnight, and I've just left work or the KRFF studios in downtown Fargo.  I want to go home, but my stomach is absolutely growling and I don't want to go to bed with it empty, something I blame on my sleep schedule.  So, I get in my car and go off in search of food, hoping to satisfy whatever craving I have that night and go to bed full. You're probably thinking right now "This is a huge problem", and believe me when I say that I agree 100%.  Eating so close to bedtime is something that I've read countless articles about online and have heard about straight from the mouth of countless health professionals.  So why do I do it then?  Because I'm hungry, and when I feel hungry I feel nauseous for some strange reason, and so I naturally go out in search of food. I feel though as if I need to learn to cook more or get myself into the habit of buying healthier foods to eat at bedtime.  When I get off of work, the strong...

Burning The Midnight Oil

I love being up at all hours of the night.  Once a time of the day when I thought everyone in the whole world was asleep, I've of course come to find out that's not quite the case.  There's something magical about being up at this time, and while I'm not quite sure what it is, I'm willing to wager a few guesses. First off, I love how quiet it can be between Midnight and 8am.  It's the time of the night when there are less distractions from social media.  Without these interruptions, I'm able to complete tasks that can be done outside of normal business hours. It allows me to put together a playlist or watch videos without push notifications rolling through on my phone or computer.  I mean, it certainly gets lonely at times, but it's always pretty calm during this time of the morning. Second, there's just something so majestic about being awake when the sun rises.  It's so cool to see it waving from above the trees, and I'm...

The Importance of Laughter

"Laughter is the best medicine." That five-word phrase right there has been something that has come up often in my short twenty years here on Planet Earth.  It's been said by people around me, I've seen it used in various forms of media, and I've even used it a few times in general conversation, on the radio, and over text message. It's a phrase that has stuck with me all my life, even now as I find myself going through multiple tough personal battles and situations. It all started back at home when my mother was the determined one to make the best out of every situation.  If we accidentally missed the trolley back across I-35 and had to walk from Canal Park to the Duluth Depot, or had to find another way home after getting lost, there was definitely laughter involved.  Through both the easy and hard times of my childhood, we kept things going with humor, and always found a way to make the best of things. Ever since then, I've al...

I Talk About My Writing Endeavors

A few months ago, I pulled this blog up for giggles, hoping to ease my depression a bit by looking at how much of a fool I was as a young teen.  For the first five minutes of reading through my sometimes immature, other times maybe just a bit needed posts, it worked and I began to giggle.  But then I hit other posts and my depression started worsening.  I decided that this blog was more or less an archive of teenage me, along with a bunch of television reviews and posts about politics and other touchy subjects that I wrote in 2016-17 during my freshman year of college.  I thought I was done. But writing is that one interest that no matter how many times I try to put it down, I just can't leave it to the side.  From when I first wrote stories in the second grade at Cotton School, to some of my more recent endeavors such as this blog and writing schedules for a brief stint at work, plus writing promotional posts for my radio gigs, writing has always played a...