Magical Wonderland of Lights

December is here, and that means that everyone is pumped for either Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa. Or maybe you're feeling Festivus or another holiday that I'm not quite aware of. Regardless of what you celebrate at this time of the year, one thing you're bound to see wherever you go is Christmas lights. They adorn homes, get thrown up into trees, and even get strung over stoplights to create the most magical sight you've ever seen as you drive past or through a town. Back when I was a young lad, my parents would take my sister and I over to the small community of Mountain Iron and we would drive around the newer addition on the south end of town off of Highway 7 (the name escapes me). This is where the community went all out in Mountain Iron to my knowledge, and most of (if not all of) the homes were decorated in bright lights of many colors of the rainbow. After that, we'd head over to Olcott Park in Virginia, where the bigger light displays were...