(Trying To) Sleep In Peace

I, like many other people, have been prone to nightmares since a young age. What started off as vivid dreams about scary monsters grabbing me and eating me slowly evolved into falling from high places or being shot, and now I'm having nightmares that seem to be fueled by my anxiety and the feelings I've experienced past and present. I don't enjoy having them, and often wake up in a state of panic after some of my worst ones. It's not a pleasant feeling, and I absolutely despise having them, as it seems like I've let my anxiety get the better of me again, and shame on me for that. Nowadays, my nightmares are scary as can be. Not all of them are remembered the morning after, but over the past year since my anxiety came further to the forefront and I went through some other rather unfortunate struggles I've been having more of them each and every week, and they're getting more and more vivid. Often, it's hard to believe that they were truly...